This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Important legal principles of consent and mental capacity

The right to consent to (and refuse) treatment is a fundamental right that has been established in law for a significant period of time (Jackson, 2022). In the UK, the case of Chatterton v Gerson...

Patient decisions in a domiciliary setting

There are numerous reasons why a patient may want, or require, a practitioner's help in making a decision while receiving treatment and care at home. The most obvious need is for information and...

Why choose British Journal of Community Nursing?

British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.

What's included

  • Evidence-based best practice

  • Peer-reviewed research

  • Focus on elderly care and long-term conditions

  • CPD support

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