The literature provides consensus on the structure and function of the anatomy and physiology related to AMD (Batterbury and Murphy, 2018; Kanski, 2019). The relationship between the normal anatomy of...
Skin ageing is a continuous process that affects skin function and appearance and as people age, their chances of developing skin-related disorders increase. There are two types of skin ageing:...
The image of personal isolation is more often than not, a negative image. Being alone is somehow thought of as a minus, contrasted with being in a group, which is a plus. To follow this assumption...
It is not surprising that during the authors' research on the psychology of those who just cannot stop helping, they found themselves talking to nurses. When the authors asked the question: ‘Why did...
Clapp et al (2017) studied the gut-brain axis The researchers noted the strong bidirectional communication, which takes place between the central nervous system and the gut microbiota (Figure 1). The...
As life expectancy has increased, so too has the need for full-time care places in residential settings (Huber, 2009). It has been extensively reported that the population will continuously age,...
Compassion fatigue as a phenomenon has been researched in specialist areas such as oncology, intensive care, palliative care and dementia care nursing (Aycock and Boyle, 2009; Melvin, 2012;...
Community nurses are likely to find among their clientele, patients ranging from very young to very old, with vulnerabilities associated with those respective stages in life, as well as those with an...
Ideally, it is the role of any healthcare provider to empower and support patients to be confident in and capable of self-management of both types of diabetes; however, the reality is that...
Oral diseases affect patients across the life course, with tooth decay listed as the number one reason for hospital admissions in children aged 6 to 10 years old (Office for Health Improvement and...
The ageing world population is rapidly increasing. In 2019, 9% of the population were over 65 years and the United Nations expect this figure to almost double to 16% by 2050. An acceleration of older...
The National Institutes for Health (NIH) (2023) explains that the bladder tightens in order to move urine into the urethra while the muscles surrounding it relax to allow the urine to pass out of the...
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