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The use of WhatsApp in district nursing practice

02 September 2019
Volume 24 · Issue 9

A key priority for any district nurse is ensuring the safety of their team members, especially in settings in which these individuals work autonomously. This is particularly relevant in the present climate in which assaults and incidents affecting lone-working nurses are continually increasing (Primary Health Care, 2018). The main source of communication used among district nursing team members while they visit patients is by direct telephone calls, as text messaging often increases costs for the employer. Therefore, this is often discouraged or disallowed in many areas. Telephoning staff frequently through the day can pose challenges for both team leaders and staff members, as often staff are busy with patients or commuting. It has been the author's experience that over the course of the working day, many phone calls are made and received for non-confidential discussions, which could potentially be avoided with a more efficient communication system.

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