Diabetes in the UK is at an all-time high and its management therefore forms an increasing component of the district nursing workload. In a study, Martin et al distributed a survey to district nursing...
It is widely accepted that the modern hospice movement was founded 50 years ago with St Christopher's Hospice in 1967. Like any another quinquagenarian may attest, any and/or many years of preceding...
Over the last few years, co-production has increasingly become a more prominent term used by the UK health service to describe partnership working with patients. Community nurses, because of the...
This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within the review by Islam et al (2022) and expand on the findings in the context of community nursing and clinical research..
According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), a long-term condition is one that lasts for over one year and significantly impacts a person's life (NICE, 2016a). Long-term...
Adverse drug reactions are ‘unintended, harmful events attributed to the use of medicines’ (Coleman and Pontefract, 2016). Ageing affects the body's ability to absorb and excrete medicines and...
Stringent storage procedures form a central plank of guidance issued by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and health bodies including the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Public Health England, and...
A network of inter-related pathologic strands drives AD, including dysfunction of the skin barrier, marked immune dermatological responses, changes in the skin microbiome, as well as exposure to...
Patients are usually discharged before they are fully recovered and ready to resume normal activities. Whether this includes physical activities or return to daily routines and work or school, the...
‘The 2021 Census…found that there were 4.7 million unpaid carers in England and another 310 000 carers in Wales as of 21 March 2021. This equates to 8.9%, and 10.5% respectively of the usual...
Sleep is essential for all human functions. Disturbances in sleep are often overlooked when discussing risk factors for diseases. While the specific association remains unclear, sleep issues have been...
The death of a partner can lead to sexual loss, grief and bereavement. Adults aged over 65 years make up between 34–48% of widowed adults across the globe (Radosh and Simkin, 2016); these individuals...
British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.
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