This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Repositioning for pressure injury prevention in adults: a commentary on a Cochrane review

This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within Gillespie et al (2021) and expand upon the findings in the context of clinical practice..

Effectiveness of moisturiser for the prevention of skin tears in older adults residing in long-term care facilities: a clinical review

This review investigated whether moisturising with a lotion was beneficial for skin tear prevention in older adults residing in LTC facilities. The results may guide LTC facilities to adopt an...

Skin tone and wound care: bridging the knowledge and care provision gap

A systematic review of diversity in dermatologic randomised control trials showed that, while racial and ethnic data reporting is becoming increasingly transparent, inclusive representation remains...

Timescaled monitoring to manage venous leg ulcers and chronic oedema

Unlike acute wounds, chronic wounds do not follow a straightforward trajectory along predicted timescales but remain in the inflammatory phase. This results in harmful inflammation, excess exudate and...

Effectiveness of zinc therapy for the treatment of pressure ulcers

This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within the review of Song et al (2020) and expand upon the findings in the context of clinical practice..

Social prescribing and the Lindsay Leg Club

‘The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.’ .

Treating oedema: a case study

Mrs W went to the GP with pain around the knees and swollen legs and was sent for an X-ray and other investigations, and was then advised that she required a Doppler assessment. Mrs W tried to arrange...

Moving and Handling in the Community

In the past, nursing personnel have used controversial techniques to mobilise individuals who required assistance. However, in the last 30–35 years, manual handling has been significantly modified,...

Breathing Good Air Matters for Everyone

‘Air quality impacts health throughout our lifespan, with age contributing to physiological susceptibility and those with pre-existing conditions being particularly at risk to its deleterious...

Impact of Lifestyle on Cognitive Decline, Part 2: Looking Beyond Diet

Jia et al (2023) assessed the below six healthy lifestyle factors: Healthy diet (adherence to the recommended intake of at least seven of eligible food items)Regular physical exercise (≥150 minutes...

Workforce Plan: A Missed Opportunity for Palliative Care?

The recently published NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (NHS England, 2023) coincides with the 75th anniversary of the creation of the NHS, and heralds a seminal plan to increase staffing levels to match...

Who Bears Responsibility for the Post-Acute Older Adult: Patient, Family or State?

Ireland’s legislation in this area—the Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act (ADMCA) (Goverment of Ireland, 2015) promotes patient autonomy and seeks to empower patients to express their will and...

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