This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Exploring the delivery of end-of-life care by community nurses

Community nursing services across the UK have faced unprecedented pressures both before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, including the provision of palliative and EOLC (Mitchell et al, 2021)....

Intermittent self-catheterisation: the gold standard for individuals with bladder dysfunction

The indications to undertake ISC are numerous (Box 1); however, not all individuals will be suitable or capable of undertaking the procedure. Children aged as young as 4–5 years can be taught the...

Cognitive frailty in older adults with diabetes: prevalence and risk factors

This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within the review (Lyu et al, 2023) and expand upon the findings in the context of clinical practice and further research..

The experiences, needs and expectations of patients regarding participation at home: an explorative study in Belgium

‘Individual patient participation revolves around a patient's rights and opportunities to influence and engage in the decision-making about his care through a dialogue attuned to his preferences,...

Managing the long-term effects of COVID-19: implications for community nurses

COVID-19 has disrupted almost every aspect of life since 2020. The initial and continuing challenges around the virus and its manifestations has required practitioners and researchers to respond at...

Maverick practitioners who do harm

‘The Shipman trial and inquiry challenged the deferential culture surrounding doctors and other authority figures; however, healthcare delivery is predicated upon trust between patients and their...

Off-label use of quetiapine

Quetiapine is a second-generation antipsychotic, primarily intended for use in people with schizophrenia, type-one or -two bipolar disorder, or as an adjunct for major depressive disorder (NHS...

When death is part of us: challenges for community nursing

The literature is full of strategies to support families and close friends during and after death. For example, one modern approach is the Dual Process Model for coping with bereavement developed by...

Men's satisfaction with female/unisex and male incontinence pads: a comparative clinical audit

UI can be caused by alteration to the bladder, lower urinary tract or pelvis due to surgery (such as prostatectomy), neurological conditions (such as Parkinson's disease, dementia or multiple...

Effectiveness of mobility training for frail older adults living in the community

The systematic review by Treacy et al (2022) undertook a comprehensive search of published and unpublished studies up to June 2021 using a range of electronic databases: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase,...

Caring for a person living with dementia: identifying and assessing a carer's needs

Lewis and colleagues (2014) estimated that there are in excess of 700 000 unpaid carers supporting people living with dementia. They went on to suggest that if the ratio of unpaid carers to people...

Age-related macular degeneration: care of the patient in the community setting

The literature provides consensus on the structure and function of the anatomy and physiology related to AMD (Batterbury and Murphy, 2018; Kanski, 2019). The relationship between the normal anatomy of...

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