The significant role of mental health in overall health and wellbeing is being increasingly recognised, along with the contribution of holistic non-pharmacological approaches to their management. In...
While it is clear from the literature that policies and interventions focus on patients and older people who are alone, there is a paucity of strategies to ‘tackle’ loneliness. The obvious...
Record keeping is an integral part of community nursing practice and there is an obligation placed upon the community nurse to record good, clear and accurate information about their patients (Royal...
“The district nurse's role is highly complex and requires skills in negotiating, coaching, teaching and supporting people and their carers, whilst effectively collaborating with other agencies and...
In her book, Mitchell (2022) talks about her relationship with, and the importance of, a cup of tea while living with dementia:.
Blepharitis affects the anatomy and physiology of the eyelids and its associated structures, such as the eye lashes, eyelids, glands and tear film..
Most studies on the efficacy of MLD have shown mixed results; although some report improvement in the metric in question, it is often not statistically significant, and results vary between studies....
The objectives of the study were to understand the perceived challenges and barriers that pre-registration BSc (Hons) nursing students faced to moving into a career in district nursing. The research...
‘…community building-based services that provide care and/or health-related services and/or activities specifically for older people who are disabled and/or in need’. .
The COVID-19 pandemic raised the profile of complex care delivered at home by district nursing teams which kept people out of hospital (Green et al, 2020). District nursing remains core to healthcare...
‘According to the 2021 Health Survey for England (House of Commons, 2023) 63.8% of adults aged 18 years and over were estimated to be overweight or obese (up from the previous year at 63.3%) with...
While there has been a half-hearted shift in recent years towards more patient education, self-care and patient empowerment, we still operate within a system that teaches patients to give themselves...
British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.
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