This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Aysha Mendes

Freelance journalist specialising in healthcare, psychology and nursing

Email Aysha

Falls prevention in the community: does deprescribing FRIDs work?

Lee et al (2021) used well-known databases, and inclusion criteria included RCTs of FRID withdrawal compared with usual care evaluating the rate of falls, incidence of falls, fall-related injuries,...

Managing postoperative pain and risk in opioid use

Quinlan et al (2019) from the Royal College of Physicians published a review noting that prescribed opioid misuse in North America is a public health crisis having huge social, medical and economic...

Status of vaccine development for COVID-19

The first vaccine in the world that was deemed to be effective in preventing COVID-19 was developed by Pfizer and German biotechnology firm BioNTech, showing a >90% protection rate. It was tested on...

A look at the potential uses of oxygen-ozone therapy

Despite O3 therapy having been around for more than 150 years, more than a century of study and evidence of its benefits, opinions are still divided over its use (Juchniewicz and Lubkowska, 2020). The...

Space and earth: how gravity affects treatment development

Being in space not only affects the ability of humans to adjust to sitting or standing in gravity when they return, but it also affects their bone density, muscle mass and stress hormone levels, as...

The rise in depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic

Depression was already one of the most common mental disorders in Great Britain, but new research has shown that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in mental distress among adults...

Treatments for COVID-19: where are we now?

Antiviral therapies would prevent the virus from multiplying. Alongside EIDD-2801 being tested on AGILE, other potential COVID-19 treatments that fall into the category of antivirals include...

How race features in pain-treatment disparities

Donna Kinnair, head of the Royal College of Nursing, and herself no stranger to racism as a black woman living in the UK, points out that patients in black and minority communities have the worst...

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