Jia et al (2023) assessed the below six healthy lifestyle factors: Healthy diet (adherence to the recommended intake of at least seven of eligible food items)Regular physical exercise (≥150 minutes...
he discussion regarding what really affects our brains throughout our lives has been ongoing for some time. We know that alcohol and drugs are part of a lifestyle that can damage our brains, and we...
Taliaz et al (2021) explored the use of machine learning to optimise treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), which is multifactorial, and poses a challenge to the tailoring of optimal...
In a study published in Heart, Sotomi et al (2023) examined the use of machine learning to identify cohorts of a population that may benefit from specific medications. The team had previously...
A fairly novel concept, which now has considerable backing by clinical research, relates to the ability for diabetes to reverse—that is, to go into remission. According to Diabetes UK (2023),...
Pradhan et al (2022) examined whether the use of the receptor agonist glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, and sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT-2)...
As we make our way through cold and flu season, nurses in the community are likely to encounter many patients with varying degrees of illness from these viruses..
Over the years, cheaper versions of the same drugs have been acquired by NHS England. An example of this is the drug adalimumab (NHS England, 2022), which is used to treat over 45 000 patients with...
For those people who would like to stop smoking, nurses can play a key role, with nurse prescribers helping deliver life-changing treatment.
Pickard et al (2018) examined antibiotic prophylaxis in intermittent self-catheterisation, noting that people carrying out clean intermittent self-catheterisation (CISC) in order to void their...
In a recently published study, Gasbjerg et al (2022) explored dexamethasone as an analgesic adjuvant in multimodal pain management following total knee arthroplasty; the authors examined the effects...
The first-line of treatment involves using compression of some kind. This may be compression hosiery (which the patient must be appropriately measured for), to complex massage (a drainage technique...
This type of urinary incontinence may be caused by changes in anatomical support and/or neuromuscular function of the pelvic floor, or it may be idiopathic (BMJ, 2020). There is a high incidence of...
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