This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Amy Pepper

Admiral Nurse Research Assistant, Dementia UK

Email Amy

Dementia, comorbidity and multimorbidity

Research has shown that, in addition to their dementia diagnosis, 61% of people living with dementia have at least three other comorbid conditions (Timmons et al, 2016). The terms comorbidity and...

Risk and dementia

Box 1 looks at the case of Henry, and his wife Gail. In Henry's situation, it is clearly demonstrated that by minimising a risk in one area (in this case, it is his risk of falling when walking...

Community support for families affected by dementia

David was 70 years of age when he first started to notice problems with his memory. Initially, this was just forgetting appointments, and occasionally struggling to find the right words, but over time...

Hope and dementia

Hope is a very personal construct, meaning different things for different people, and it is likely to change over the course of time. We are all able to think of things which give us hope when things...

Dementia and communication

Dementia, what ever the subtype, is caused by underlying disease processes and damage to the nerve cells in the brain. This damage impairs our executive function - the processes in our brains which...

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